My review on The Mind game – Devika Das

Cover of the book: I would give a rating of 8/10 to the cover.It is not that good according to me as it doesnt have much to with the content of the book. But its reasonable.
Title of the book: The title is reasonable and relates to most of the contents in the book. The title of the book is most relating to he philosophical issues that have been described in the book like anger,anxiety and social fear.
I would like to rate the title of the book a 9 out of 10.
Content of the Book: The book illustrates how we can use and control emotional issues like anger,anxiety and other psychological issues. The main theme of the book is emotional intelligence and how to spend the life peacefully efficiently and productively.
The book book consists of many sections on how to control anger issues and manage lie
As we know that the anger is a very important problem that everyone faces controlling anger is one of the most difficult aspects of human life,
As there’s a saying called:”The man who conquers his angers can conquer the world”
The book deals with the most real life problems like depressions and other emotional aspects that effect one’s living.
Most of the people in the today’s world face a lot of problems expressing their problems with their mental health and depression. We feel a lot of difficulty in expressing ourselves to people regarding our mental health.
This book helps us cope up that mental issues and offers solutions to cope up that kind of problems.The content of the book is very awesome and very interesting as well.
I would personally rate the book a 9 out of 10 taking into consideration the cover ,book ,content and other aspects of the philosophy.

Total Rating of the book:9.5/10
Total stars: 4 out of 5
Judgement: On the whole reading this book gives the reader a new experience and gives a new perspective of life and how to manage emotional issues very efficiently.

This book review is part of Rakhi jayashankar review program :

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